Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mommy takes a lot of photos of me

Because I make a lot of funny faces.


Mémère and Papa said...

Hi Madeleine! You may make funny faces but they are oh so adorable. Can't wait to see you now that we are back from Florida. We love you so much. You are a sweetie.

Saritha Thulasidas said...

Hi Madeleine...
it is sheer pleasure to see u. i am a stranger alright, but i have a baby girl, "Shalini", who is quite a hyper active,keeping us on our toes 24x7
can u tell mommy that i need to share my concerns and kindly spare some time for me? my id is sarithapt@rediffmail.com...

i have left a message on her blog but was not sure if she is visiting there...,. hence i am taking ur help...

lotsa love, hugs n kisses....

smurp said...

madeline~ you are such a drama queen! i think you have a BIG future ahead of you in the acting business.

Laura said...


You are so cute!! Ask your mom if she wants to get together sometime over the next couple weeks!! I would love to visit you!!