Sunday, September 30, 2007

Some pooping, smiling, swaddling, and fussing

Mommy tried to get a video of me smiling. See I like to lay on my changing mat in the living room and play. I'm usually super smiley, but in the first video I was too busy pooping, and in the second video I was too distracted with the camera.

I also wanted to show you how happy I am in my swaddle. This isn't the crafty Miracle Blanket. This is a flannel Swaddle Me that keeps me better swaddled than the cotton Swaddle Me.

Today I went to visit my great Gramma. I was super fussy when I got there because I got woken up from my nap. After some hard work, my parents got me back to sleep although there was too much excitement for me to see to stay asleep long. I eventually let me great Gramma hold me, though, and this was the one picture Daddy was able to get of her and me.

1 comment:

Owen said...

Well, at least you were in the right place for that poopy diaper to happen!